"Frozen JR.", 2023
Individual Giving
Giving to SCMT helps the community flourish.
By donating to Swift Creek Mill Theatre, you help us keep creating professional theatre and supporting local artists. You can donate once, monthly, or annually to best fit your budget.
Just a few things that donations go to include:
Education Scholarships
Building maintenance
Accessibility equipment such as hearing device connection to actor's microphones
Keeping ticket prices affordable
Benefits of giving include:
Donations greater than $25 are listed in MainStage playbills
Honor a loved one with a tribute gift
Create an annual fund donation and keep the passion of theatre within our historic space
Other Ways to Give
There are many ways to give to Swift Creek Mill Theatre. This includes seeing if your employer offers a Matching Gift Program, Gifts in Kind, Memorial Gifts, Stock/IRA gifts, and more!
Are you planning your legacy? Help provide for the future of theatre by including Swift Creek Mill Theatre in your estate plan.
Do you have or know a business or organization interested in donating? We have several sponsorship opportunities!
If you have time to donate, it's all hands on deck at The Mill and we'd love to have you as a volunteer!